Anthem Community Council (local Governance)

As part of a multi-academy trust, our school is not restricted to the traditional model of local governance that most people are familiar with. 

Society is changing, and our governance structures need to change with it. Anthem is leading the way by launching a completely new kind of governance across its 16 schools with local views, experiences, and expertise at its heart. 

You can find out more about the strategy on the Anthem website.

Anthem Trust Website

The new name for local governing bodies is Anthem Community Councils (ACCs). Members of the ACCs will be known as Anthem Community Council members (ACCMs). 

ACCs will have four delegated areas of responsibility:

  • Community
  • Celebration
  • Send, inclusion and safeguarding.
  • Panels

Each ACC will include Anthem Community Council members who are Champions in key areas such as safeguarding, SEND and inclusion, and climate change.

The current members of our ACC are: 

Headteacher Kirstie Johnson
Chair of ACC Roger Gale
ACC members

Ketan Keshwala

Helen Morgan

Luke Thornhill

ACC members (staff)


ACC Timi Champions

Ethan Jones Y11

Evie Latrinco - Ferris Y9


ACC members can be contacted via the main school address. You can find this on the Contact page of this website. If you wish to contact Roger Gale, Chair of the ACC, you can do so via the Clerk using the following email address:

A summary table of members' interests and meeting attendance for the last full academic year can be found on

Register of Local Governance

Do you want to make a difference?

If you are passionate about contributing to your community and are interested in finding more out about being part of your school’s ACC, we would love to hear from you!

For further details, please click on the link below to complete this short expression of interest form and a member of our Governance Team will be in touch.

Anthem Community Council Expression of Interest Form.


ACC Vacancies

We would like to invite enquiries from interested persons; whether parents or members of the community.

ACC members will engage in all normal activities linked with the ACC including attending the termly ACC meetings (on average 4 meetings per year) and visiting the school during the day.

Meetings usually take place on a Thursday evening at 4.00pm.  Please see the list of meeting dates on our ACC information section (at the bottom of this page).

If you are interested in joining our ACC, please contact the Clerk to the ACC for more information:  


The application form and skills audit are available in the ACC information section (at the bottom of this page).

Applications and skills audits should be returned to the Clerk once complete.

Full training will be provided.

Roger Gale

Chair of the ACC

Previous ACC members

Governors who have served in the last twelve months:



Appointed by

Term Dates

Relevant Business Interests

Other Governor Positions

Relationships with other governors or staff

Rachael Hardy

Local Staff Governor  Anthem Schools Trust November 2022 - August 2023 None None None

Rachel Stewart

Local Governor Anthem Schools Trust October 2017 - September 2023 Company Director for a Financial Services business None None

Tim Hutton

Local Governor Anthem Schools Trust November 2016 - September 2023 None None Parent

Claire Nottingham

Local Governor Anthem Schools Trust November 2022 - October 2023 None None


ACC Documents