News Bulletin 3 November 2023
Dear families of the Deepings School
This week we have had a wonderful start to half term 2.
Students returned to school in a very purposeful manner, with a great approach to learning. Our overall attendance has improved this week, sitting at the national average and students have presented themselves to lessons in correct uniform and ready to learn.
There has been much excitement this week regarding sporting activity at the school. Our Year 7 and Year 8 boys attended a rugby festival yesterday and were proud to be representing the school. Mr Phillips, our PE teacher with a specialism of rugby, has commended them highly to me in regard to their respect and approach to the tournament. Many of these students have shared with me they y also play for the local Deepings team. It seems Rugby World Cup fever has hit our community!
You will also see in our news this week, Year 8 girls represented the school in the District English Football League Competition. Ms Evans proudly shared with me how they achieved 2nd place, narrowly missing out on progressing to the regional competition by 1 goal. A real achievement for these girls and well done!
It was pleasing to see how many Year 11 students and their families turned out to our sixth form open evening this week. Our sixth form provision was graded Good in our recent Ofsted inspection and we continue to build on this success. Students attending the evening week able to speak to teachers and current sixth formers regarding course offer and life at The Deepings as a sixth former. The student helpers were phenomenal and despite the threat of Storm Ciaron were excellent in guiding visitors around the site!
This week’s assemblies have focused on vaping. Vaping is a national concern and understandably so for teenagers, due to the accessibility of vapes being illegally sold. The assemblies had an emphasis on the importance of healthy lungs and the unknown and hidden dangers of vaping. Other topics covered were the accessibility of vapes to young people and peer pressure to vape. Sanctions are high for students found in possession of vapes at school. However, I do wish to share the frequency in which vaping occurs at school is declining with very few incidents this term.
Finally, it was my pleasure to meet with some year 10 students this morning to discuss their experiences at the school. This is the first of a Feedback Friday initiative which will become a weekly session with students. Conversation focussed particularly on learning and the gaps they felt they had from being in Year 6 during Covid. They tackled their concerns in a mature manner and I will be looking to act upon them swiftly.
I wish you all an enjoyable weekend.
Kind regards
Ms K Johnson
This week's news:
News - The Deepings School (
Coming up:
10 November 2023
On Friday 10 November, Fire & Ice Theatre Company will be coming into school to perform 'In Our Own Words' to Year 10 & Year 12 students. Billed as ‘Sex ed the musical,’ the production has been developed alongside Sex Ed specialists Split Banana. It is a verbatim musical with a script that is formed by real words and real people, who were interviewed by Ice & Fire. Their experiences range from different cultures, identities, sexualities, religions, and more.
Click on the event title in our calendar for the performance content and details of who to contact if you would like more information:
Calendar - The Deepings School (
13 December 2023
Ask Dan Anything. This is an online question and answer session for secondary parents. 6pm - 7.30pm.
Please see poster for more information:
Calendar dates:
Calendar - The Deepings School (
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