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Admission arrangements
The school's admission policy, which can be downloaded below, provides information on:
What you should do if you would like your child to start our school in Year 7 or 12
We are delighted that you are considering our school for your child's education.
The method for applying for a place at the School will depend on when you wish to start. There is a slightly different system for starting in Year 7 and Year 12 in September each year to what we call in-year admissions - those that start after September in Year 7 or Year 12.
Our Admission Policy (linked below) and the following sections set out how we deal with admissions in each of these cases.
How to apply for a Year 7 place (September start)
Parents/ Carers should use the co-ordinated admission process arranged by the local authority where you live. You can use this process to express your preference for a minimum of three state-funded schools, in rank order. Parents/ Carers will receive an offer for a school place directly from their local authority.
Links to our nearest local authority admissions pages can be found below:
The following website allows you to search for other local authorities: https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council
How we consider applications for Year 12 (September start)
The process for applying to our Sixth Form is the same for internal and external candidates (those currently in Year 11 at the school, and those studying elsewhere respectively).
Further information about the Sixth Form application process, course details, course entry requirements and which subjects can be studied together can be found in the Sixth Form section of the website. Quick links are provided below:
How we manage in-year applications during Years 7-11
Parents/ Carers can apply for a place for their child at any time outside the normal admissions round. You should contact the school if you have any questions or wish to find out if the school has any places available.
Applications for in-year admissions, if you live in Lincolnshire:
https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/apply-school If you live outside Lincolnshire, you can apply to your own Local Authority. Please ask the school if you need any help or advice.
EHCP admissions
If your child has an EHCP admissions will go through the review process at your current school. Information, advice and support is available for Lincolnshire residents:
PAN (Published Admission Number) only applies to the relevant age group - Year 7- (throughout entry year), NOT to other year groups.
For other year groups the school may only refuse a place where the admission of an additional child would:
- Prejudice the provision of efficient education and/or
- Prejudice the efficient use of resources
Waiting list
The school is popular and some year groups may have a waiting list. If this is the case, you will be asked for some details so that you can be added to the list and you will be required to keep the school informed as your circumstances change.
Should a place become available, then the place will be allocated in line with the admission procedure as laid down in the school's Admission Policy. It is important that you understand that your place on the waiting list may change, eg If other families move into the area and live nearer to the school than you.
The Schools Admissions Code makes it clear that there is no obligation to maintain waiting lists for in-year admissions. The Deepings School and its Trustees have decided that the school should maintain a list for Years 7 to 9. Any students on the waiting list for Year 10 will be removed on 30 September each year. There are no waiting lists for Years 10 and 11
In addition, anyone wishing to join us during Years 10 or 11 may wish to check our list of courses and exam boards to see if they match before applying. This is provided for reference only and is not taken into account as part of the application process.
How we manage in-year applications to our school during Years 12-13
All in-year admissions queries for the Sixth Form should be initially directed to the Sixth Form team. They will be able to advise about whether the courses we offer match those studied at your current centre and whether you meet the entry criteria for the courses you wish to study.
No applications for in-year admissions to the Sixth Form will be considered after 31 October each year.
Our over-subscription criteria (if there are more applicants than places available)
Years 7 - 11 oversubscription
If the school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) where the school is named in the EHCP (admission criterion 1)
Priority for admission will be given to children who meet the criteria set out below, in the following order:
2. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children, including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (admission criterion 2)
3. Children with a sibling attending the school at the time of application.
4. Children of staff at the school.
5. Children where the school is the closest * state funded school admitting children to the relevant year group to the child’s home address.
6. Other children by distance from the school, with priority for admission given to children who live nearest to the school.
Sixth form oversubscription
The PAN (Publish Admission Number) for Year 12 is 100.
The entry criteria and courses on offer can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus and on the School website. The entry criteria for Sixth Form is the same for internal and external applicants.
If the Sixth Form is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) where the school is named in the EHCP (admission criterion 1).
Priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in order:
2. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children, including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
3. Children with a sibling attending the school at the time of application.
4. Children of staff at the school.
5. Students with the highest average points score across all GCSE subjects.
6. Children where the school is the closest * state funded school admitting children to the relevant year group to the child’s home address.
7. Other children by distance from the school, with priority for admission given to children who live nearest to the school.
More information about each of these criteria can be found in our admissions policy (linked below).
* You can find your closest school on Lincolnshire County Council's website: Find your nearest school – Lincolnshire County Council.
How you can appeal against a decision not to offer their child a place
Appealing a Year 7 September 2024 start
If an application for a place at the school is unsuccessful (whether made during the normal admissions round or in-year), parents/carers will be informed why admission was refused and given information about the process for hearing appeals.
Parents/ Carers who wish to appeal against the school’s decision not to offer a place to their child should contact, our School Admissions Team at admissions@deepings.anthemtrust.uk
Appeals will be heard in line with the School Admission Appeals Code. An Independent Appeal Panel will be arranged to consider our reasons for refusal and the parent/ carer’s reasons for wanting their child to attend the school.
You can appeal using the appeal form below:
The deadlines for next academic year can be found at the bottom of the page in the downloads section.
Who to contact
For all admission queries, please contact:
The Local Authority:
If you have any problems in getting a school place for your child or you wish to apply to more than one school, you should contact the Education Team:
Admission consultations
There are no consultations taking place at this time.