You are never too young to begin to think about jobs and careers. Although we have an excellent Sixth Form and great links to universities, students should consider all the options that are available, to be able to make an informed decision that is right for them. These include:
- Applying for a vocational or academic course at a College of Further Education
- Applying for a University course
- Taking a GAP year (usually between the ages of 17 - 18)
- Studying at the Peterborough UTC (University Technical College) - great for STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, maths)
- Applying for an apprenticeship -
(National Apprenticeship week will take place 5 - 11 February in 2024) - Starting a T-Level (technical qualification from age 16/17)
- Joining the Armed Forces
- Joining a company, as long as you continue with some form of training until you are aged 18.
During your time at school you will meet lots of different employers and listen to presentations about these options.
Remember to do your own research too! We have careers programmes on the student grid, guides which link your favourite subjects to a range of possible jobs, information about the local labour market, and a career folder with lots of information - you can access via Student Share Point.
You can learn more about the predicted growth areas in Greater Lincolnshire by accessing the Career Sense LMI (Labour Market Information) document at the bottom of this page.
You can also discover the rules surrounding part-time work whilst you are a student, via the link below.
Child employment: Restrictions on child employment - GOV.UK (
You can also compare and contrast jobs and learn more about the labour market using the Careerometer widget from the link below.
Learn more about the different qualifications by clicking on the explainer video and quiz link below
If you are in Year 11 you can find out more information about your Post 16 choices by clicking on the Options & Pathways link from the side menu. If you are interested in finding an apprenticeship you can easily access a very useful website via Twitter @lincsapprentice - no need to register, just scroll down to find local opportunities.
Remember to check out the careers information in the Careers Library, which is located within the main library. You can also access an excellent careers magazine by clicking on the link below.
Careermag - Students & Teachers - Careermap
Careermag offers a complete guide to apprenticeships, courses and university opportunities along with useful articles offering education and career advice.
Alongside your tutor, subject teacher and the pastoral team, the school's Careers Leader will support you with your career planning.
Any student can request a one-to-one careers guidance meeting with a professionally qualified careers guidance adviser - please speak to your pastoral team.
You should prepare for your personal guidance meeting by making a list of your interests and any specific concerns or barriers you feel you may have. This will be a good starting point for your discussions and will help you set your targets and goals for your future career. Check out the Careers Appointment poster on this page.
We are always very pleased to learn more about what our former students are doing now and the career pathways they have taken - you can view some of these on the Alumni page.
Good luck with your future career planning and we hope we can help you achieve your goals and provide you with the career management skills you need to enjoy and contribute to the world of work.
Resources, useful links and labour market information (LMI)
A reminder that you have access to a wide range of careers, enterprise and work-related advice and information. This can be found via the Student Grid learning apps on the website, or when you access your electronic files from Student Share point and click on the Careers folder. You can also gather some useful advice from students who are part of our alumni network, by checking out their profiles within the alumni section.
Dedicated careers programmes include UNIFROG, XELLO (formerly known as KUDOS) and START plus the superb Careers Guidance Charts and Big Names publication, which show how subjects can link to a variety of different jobs and careers.
You can create your own electronic portfolio by recording your activities, achievements, work experience or volunteering that you have been involved in within your UNIFROG account and also on XELLO.
Remember to research local opportunities to see if the job sector/career you are planning is likely to have vacancies in our region - or will you need to travel further afield?
Local labour/job market information can be found via
and the Greater Lincolnshire Enterprise Partnership's website also has some interesting information about the six main growth sectors in our area, namely these are Agri-Food/Manufacturing & Engineering/Visitor Economy/Energy & Water/Ports & Logistics/Health & Social.
You can also check out a great video explaining what Labour Market information is all about - please cut and paste the link .
Useful websites to help with job research, progression routes, apprenticeships, volunteering and careers research include and and
If you are in Year 11 you can find out more information about your Post 16 choices by clicking on the Options & Pathways link from the side menu. If you are interested in finding an apprenticeship you can easily access a very useful website via Twitter @lincsapprentice - no need to register, just scroll down to find local opportunities.
Remember to check out the careers notice boards for apprenticeships and other information (outside the main Hall) and in the Careers Library, which is located within the main library. You can also access an excellent careers magazine by clicking on the link below.
The DfE have also just launched a website providing information about the new T-Levels, which you may find useful.
If you would like a summary record of all the careers, enterprise and work-related activities you have taken part in during your time at school, please speak to Mrs Taylor who will be able to provide this for you.
For students considering studying at a University abroad, the link below provides an excellent guide, full of useful information.