Curriculum Overview
As a fully comprehensive 11-18 academy, we are committed to providing the highest quality of education we can regardless of ability, race, ethnicity gender or cultural background.
The curriculum consists of all activities within the school and so comprises more than the formal programme of lessons. It also includes modes of learning, teaching styles, assessment, extra-curricular activities and all those features which contribute to our ethos, such as quality of relationships, concern for equality of opportunity and the values exemplified by the school’s organisation and management.
The aims of the curriculum
The overall aims of the school curriculum and the national curriculum are to:
- Ensure an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum which secures the opportunity for every child to develop skills, knowledge and understanding across a wide range of subjects.
- Equip students with a range of transferable key skills (i.e. literacy, numeracy and IT) to support learning across the curriculum.
- Develop the values, skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for students to enter into effective personal and social relationships in a multicultural society.
- Meet the educational needs of all our students and provide access and challenge for those of the highest ability, and those with protected characteristics (as defined in the Equality Act).
- Encourage all students to reach their full potential which includes achieving the highest possible standards in their public examinations. These standards will be used to set targets for improvement, measure progress and monitor and compare performance between individuals and groups in the school.
- Promote continuity and progression, fostering a high regard for education, training and a belief in the value of lifelong learning for all.
Content and structure of our curriculum
The school operates a 30-period two-week timetable with three periods of 100 minutes each day. In addition, there is a 15-minute tutor period each morning.
The curriculum is differentiated fully for all pupils.
We guarantee equality of access to the whole curriculum for all students regardless of their protected characteristics, as defined by the Equality Act.
Roadmaps outlining the content covered in subject can be found on the Parent Grid here.
Curriculum design
- The National Curriculum is the minimum expectation
- The curriculum is sequenced with acquisition of knowledge forefront in KS3
- The curriculum is a balance between knowledge and skills.
- The curriculum often uses cross-curricular teaching to make curriculum relevant and meaningful
Key Stage three (years 7, 8 & 9)
Students follow a broad curriculum:
- Core of english, mathematics and science
- Strong EBacc coverage (history, geography, Spanish, computer science)
- Discrete lessons in music, drama & PSHE, religious education, physical education
- Art and design technology offer a range of subjects on rotation (food technology, product design, resistant materials, textiles, art and design)
- Reading is emphasised throughout curriculum, tutor time, and Accelerated Reader lessons through english
The school is transitioning to a full three-year key stage 3 from September 2020. Our current year 9 is a hybrid bridging year; the national curriculum still forms the basis, and students are able to personalise. Preparation for GCSE skills begin to be developed in a number of subjects.
Key stage four (years 10 & 11)
- Core of English, mathematics and science
- Four option subjects, including two EBacc subjects (history, geography, Spanish, computer science)
- Physical education
- Religious education and personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Sixth form (years 12 & 13)
The Sixth Form programmes of study include substantial qualifications and use of non-qualification time which helps our students become well rounded, confident and thoughtful participants in society
All Sixth Form students follow a curriculum that allows them to take either A level or vocational qualifications that stretch them academically and meet their interests and Post-18 aspirations.
In additional, we have PSHE programme in the Sixth Form and a pastoral support and tutor programme that addresses key issues that continue the Key Stage 4 PSHE curriculum at an age appropriate level.
Students are prepared for life Post-18 by a range of activities, including a Pos-18 Options Day, mock interviews and an introduction to the world of work, and they are all expected to undertake work experience.
Sixth Form students have the opportunity to become mentors and prefects, and we have a range of links with the local community, including a thriving ‘Interact’ group that works in partnership with the local Rotary Club.
Where students have not achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English Language or Mathematics pupils are timetabled for lessons and support is put in place to help the student make progress.
Students will study
- Three subjects chosen from either or a combination of an academic or vocational pathway
- Character and culture - Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
- Dedicated study periods
Throughout each key stage
- Varied range of co-curricular opportunities ensure cultural capital through all years, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, international language links, physicial education, arts and technology
- Range of external visits to enhance our provision both within the curriculum and beyond
- Work-related learning and work experience in years 10 and 12
Homework is important for our students both to develop independent learning skills, but also to aid with understanding of curriculum content. A copy of our homework guide can be found below for KS3, KS4 and expectations for KS5.
Homework Club is part of the weekly schedule. The school library is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school (until 4pm) for Homework club, where students will have the use of the computer equipment and support from staff.