News Bulletin 17 November 2023
Dear families of the Deepings School
It has been an absolute joy to see our students embrace the non-uniform day today, raising funds for Children in Need. Whilst we are yet to get the total of funds raised, we had some busy bakers in Year 7 and Year 10, along with the pastoral staff in these year groups, who baked and sold some fabulous cakes, raising over £140 at breaktime today. A great effort! Supporting charity resonates with our Kindness value and I know students are keen to continue with fundraising and giving their time to charitable efforts. Our next charity event will be a Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 7th December in aid of Save the Children. Further information will be sent out in due course.
Students have been out and about this week. Our Year 11 geographers visited Hunstanton for their coursework. Whilst a productive day in terms of fulfilling the criteria for the skills element of their course – many were taken aback by how refreshing the sea breeze can be in November!
Our sports teams have enjoyed success this week. There are some great results for our Year 10 football team who won the first round of the County Cup fixture against Horncastle. Our trampolining students have also achieved some superb results this week with students being placed 1st and 2nd in their respective classes. Do read the news page to see their individual success and pictures.
The army visited the school today – this is part of our careers programme, an opportunity this week for Year 10 students to explore careers across the armed forces. They will be joining us again next week when we host our in school careers fair.
Please visit our website for details regarding our extra curricular offer next week. Many students engage with a wide range of activities that are offered. We encourage students to join and to suggest clubs they would like to attend. I look forward to suggestions going forward.
Next week we the school will receive a Curriculum Review Day from the Anthem Trust. This is an important part of our school improvement journey, whereby Trust colleagues come and assess school progress against the areas of improvement Ofsted identified. These are half termly visits and this is our second visit of the winter term. In due course I will be sharing with you how we are making progress against the milestones set.
I wish you all a very pleasant weekend.
Kind regards
Ms K Johnson
This week's news:
News - The Deepings School (
Coming up:
1 December 2023
Parent Coffee Morning – Learning Development Department
We would like to invite all parents to a session on Sensory Processing and Integration Differences on 1st December 2023 9:30am- 11:00am. The session will be delivered by the Working Together Team.
The aim of the session is:
- To know what Sensory Processing & Integration means
- To understand how Sensory Processing Differences can impact a child’s behaviour.
- To discuss and consider practical strategies to support.
Sensory processing can affect children in a variety of ways and this session has been put together to help parents understand the affects on daily life and how to further support your child. It is a safe space to ask questions and receive some professional advice. It will also give you the opportunity to meet other families and begin to have a support network.
If you would like to attend please email or
If attending, please report to reception between 9:15 – 9:30 am
Learning Development Department
13 December 2023
Ask Dan Anything. This is an online question and answer session for secondary parents. 6pm - 7.30pm.
Please see poster for more information:
Calendar dates:
Calendar - The Deepings School (
Would you like to teach?
If you are interested in training to become a primary or secondary school teacher, you can read more here: