Hot Chocolate with Ms Johnson
BackThis week students have been joining Ms Johnson for hot chocolate in recognition of them upholding the school values of Kindness, Respect and Ambition. Students were nominated by their Head of Year and Deptuy Head of Year for their approach to school. Alongside their hot chocolate, students have received a headteacher award on class charts and can expect a postcard home in recognition of their success. Ms Johnson commented on how much she was enjoying the mornings, 'this week I have met with students from Years 7,8 &9, with our older studens to have the same experience next week. It has been a pleasure to chat with students on all manner of things ranging from whether it is fun being a headteacher to which football team they support!' Importantly, it has also been an opportunity for students to share how they feel about school this term, with everyone agreeing that behaviour was more settled and they enjoyed school. Further conversation ensued regarding school lunches and the length of breaktime. One thing Ms Johnson did add; 'I was asked if we could have more PE lessons and they all be football...' she exclaimed that although in principle it may be attractive to some, there had to be something for everyone!