News Bulletin 22 September 2023
Dear families of the Deepings School
It is hard to believe we have been back at school for just over two weeks. As we come to the close of our second full week I want to take this opportunity to share some of the initiatives that have been in place since the start of the new term.
Attached to this newsletter are our new student expectations. These are all founded on our values of Kindness, Respect and Ambition. You will notice that they are all reasonable and resonate with the expectations we all live by in our daily lives.
Students who are struggling to meet expectations will find themselves on the stepped approach to behaviour sanctions.
I am delighted to share with you, that in the first fortnight of this strategy, it is having a real impact in our school. Our students are learning to ‘reset’ and regulate their behaviours in a mature way, reducing the number of negatives points received. Furthermore, there is a very positive atmosphere across the school in lessons and at social times.
This week we have launched phase 1 of our rewards strategy. Badges on class charts are awarded for Kindness, Respect and Ambition. Points are a really positive way for our learners to engage with our expectations and push themselves further.
Phase 2 is to be launched in the next couple of weeks with our students. This is where the points equal prizes and awards! We have consulted with our students as to what they would like and we are in the form of rewards and we are in the process of refining this. Thank you to our inclusion leads, Mr White and Mrs Robertson for their work on developing the culture and community of our students and staff.
Next Tuesday is European Day of Languages. We will be celebrating this with activities throughout the week. At The Deepings there are over 20 different languages spoken as the first language at home. A lot of our students are bilingual. Therefore it is important we celebrate the diversity this brings to our school. Please do encourage you child to engage with the activities which will be shared in tutor time next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Johnson
This week's News:
News - The Deepings School (
- Successful Open Evening with packed audiences
- Reaching for the starts – school scientist of the year awards
- Student report: 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea
Calendar dates:
Calendar - The Deepings School (
As advertised on our school calendar, I would like to remind all families that Friday 29 September 2023 is a trust training day.
The school will be closed to all students and families on this date.
Sixth Form Open Evening:
Save the date: 2 November 2023.
Calendar - The Deepings School (
Careers Overview:
We are pleased to share our careers plan for 2023-2024:
S/cb/currich/careers/newsletter/lt (
Please click here if you would like information about school meals, allergens and our weekly menus:
Catering - The Deepings School (
October half term:
Details of the October camps can be found here: